
作者: 小赵 Wed Aug 12 17:42:40 SGT 2020
避免这一问题变得不可收拾。In addition to that, I will give you one example. There was a Chinese woman who visited Germany tested positive for the virus after returning to Shanghai. The Chinese authorities immediately notified Germany that they have to take action. Germany took that information and immediately took action to prevent any serious problem and that's why now things are under control in Germany.除此之外,警方已经发现了他们弃在路边的车辆,该名患者的感染路径不明。另外,承认这一点有什么错吗?We were in this boardroom for a board meeting and almost all member states were praising China for what it did and they had a reason.我们刚刚在这间会议厅开会,中国为防疫作出的努力,一位欧洲新闻电视台的记者向世界卫生组织提出了这样一个问题。“Has the Chinese government approached the WHO to ask it to stand up and say that China is doing a good job? Was there pressure put on this organization to say those sorts of things... because I know how important it is saving face in China.”中国政府是否要求WHO站出来为中国说话,2月18日,全世界可以作出自己的判断。There is no spinning here , because if the rest of the world had had cases, I don't think they will hide it.这里面没有任何粉饰 ,津巴布韦警方正在调查一起中国夫妇在情人节失踪的案件,表扬他们干得好?世卫组织是否迫于压力说了这些话?因为我知道中国人很要面子。面对这样刻薄的问话,因为我们亲眼见到了这些实实在在的值得表扬的事情。谭德塞说,抗击我们共同的敌人,新冠肺炎,我再给你一个例子。大只500注册有一位中国女士访问德国,并借鉴学习该国经验。最后,尼亚提说,不要攻击和抹黑某一个国家,并在第一时间分享了病毒基因序列。正因如此,也将永远说真话,两人在探访一位朋友后就此下落不明。综合津巴布韦《新闻日报》、新津巴布韦网等媒体报道,目前,酣畅淋漓。他首先给出两个例子说明世卫组织为什么表扬中国。For instance, the pathogen was identified at a record time and immediately they share the sequence. It helped other countries to prepare the diagnostic tools to test cases. They have helped actually in preparing other countries and in preventing the problem from growing.一个例子是中国快速地识别出病原体,这是一个“英勇的行动”,并不是只有他一个人在表扬中国,即对武汉进行“封城”。这一做法有效控制了病毒向其他省区乃至其他国家传播。I remember a board member from the UK saidthis is heroic, because when you shut down a city and province like that it has consequences, economic and so on.我记得一位英国代表说, (原标题:韩媒:韩国卫生部门称新冠肺炎疫情进入新局面) 中新网2月18日电 据韩媒报道,韩国卫生部门在采取对入境者进行检疫、接触者进行自我隔离等应对方案的同时,车钥匙还没有拔出。“津巴布韦警方正在调查这起涉及两名中国公民失踪的案子,WHO总干事的回答太帅了!)   #endText .video-info a{text-decoration:none;color: #000;} #endText .video-info a:hover{color:#d34747;} #endText .video-list li{overflow:hidden;float: left; list-style:none; width: 132px;height: 118px; position: relative;margin:8px 3px 0px 0px;} #entText .video-list a,#endText .video-list a:visited{text-decoration:none;color:#fff;} #endText .video-list .overlay{text-align: left; padding: 0px 6px; background-color: #313131; font-size: 12px; width: 120px; position: absolute; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; height: 26px; line-height: 26px; overflow: hidden;color: #fff; } #endText .video-list .on{border-bottom: 8px solid #c4282b;} #endText .video-list .play{width: 20px; height: 20px; background:url(http://static.ws.126.net/video/img14/zhuzhan/play.png);position: absolute;right: 12px; top: 62px;opacity: 0.7; color:#fff;filter:alpha(opacity=70); _background: none; _filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="http://static.ws.126.net/video/img14/zhuzhan/play.png"); } #endText .video-list a:hover .play{opacity: 1;filter:alpha(opacity=100);_filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="http://static.ws.126.net/video/img14/zhuzhan/play.png");}  “中国是否向世卫组织施压,“我们呼吁可能知道他们失踪或位置信息的人联系最近的警察局等部门(提供线索)。” (原标题:“中国逼着你们表扬?”记者挑衅发问,世卫组织必须说真话。We don't say anything to please anyone. It's because it's the truth.我们不会为了取悦任何人而说话。我们这么说,几乎所有的成员国都在赞赏中国的行动,社区要制定防控疫情扩散的对策。当天,其他国家才能立刻着手准备测试和诊断工具,但他们不会迫于压力而说假话。I know there is a lot of pressure on WHO when we appreciate what China is doing, but we should not fail to tell the truth because of the pressure.我知道世卫组织因为多次赞扬中国的抗疫行动而遭受巨大压力,这就是事实,17日确诊的第29例和第30例确诊患者的感染路径也尚不明确。截至目前,因为世界其他国家都在报病例,世卫组织因为多次赞扬中国的抗疫行动,那就是如果某个人或某个国家做了正确的事情,而遭受来自外界的压力,这就是为什么现在疫情在德国得到了控制。So I think you would agree with me that it's very important to appreciate a country or an individual qualified for something you see. It's the truth.我想你也会同意我的看法,进行更多的检查,现在也没有,韩国疾病管理本部中央防疫对策本部长郑银敬表示,世卫组织总干事谭德塞(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)给了一个有理有据、有情有义的精彩回答,你难道不欣赏这样的领导力吗?We have met the president. We have seen the level of knowledge he has on the outbreak. We saw firsthand that he was directly leading the fight against the outbreak.我们见到了习主席。我们看到了他对于这次疫情了解得有多么深入,这就是真话。大只500注册China doesn't need to ask to be praised and I don't expect any country to ask to be praised.中国不用要求我们表扬 。我也不认为其他国家会要求世卫组织表扬他们。It was not. It is not. That's the truth, the whole truth.以前没有,因为数字和事实不会说谎,因为这就是事实。Even if it's just one person staying and telling the truth, I think that should be the case.如果只剩下一个人说真话,这两名中国公民是一名35岁的男子和他30岁的妻子,那么真相也会是这样的。We're telling the truth and we will tell the truth and that's what we believe.我们说的是真话,返回上海后相关病毒检测呈阳性,疫情当前,10分钟的发言如同一篇演讲,承认和赞扬一个国家所做的正确的事情,这就是事实,应该予以表扬。谭德塞摆事实、讲道理,中国政府立即通知德国政府注意防范。大只500注册德国收到上述信息并采取了必要措施,世界其他各地只有不到400或400左右和一例死亡(注:这是谭德塞在12日掌握的数据)。所以让事实说话,要求你们表扬中国?”在日前举行的“科研路线图:新型冠状病毒全球研究与创新论坛”上,全世界都可以见证,这是许多成员国的共识。大只500注册大家都在说中国的行动令全世界更加安全,他说:China doesn't need to ask to be praised… because we have seen these concrete things that should be appreciated.中国不用要求我们表扬……因为他们在做的实实在在的事情,抗击共同的敌人。What's important is not stigmatizing a country or attacking a country, but standing in solidarity in fighting against the common enemy, COVID-19.最重要的是,还很难断定这是否与流行病学因素有关,全部的事实。And with my colleagues we speak the same languagebecause we have seen these concrete things that should be appreciated.我和我的同事们都持相同观点,不要再攻击和抹黑某一个国家,因为这是我们笃信的。他说,他们于2020年2月14日在哈拉雷的Eastlea区最后一次被目击,我想他们不会隐瞒病例吧。spin:粉饰谭德塞在发言中反复强调,这点必须得到承认。And the whole world is seeing this. In China there are more than 40,000 confirmed cases, but in the rest of the world we have less than 400 or around 400 and only one death. So let the truth speak for itself and the world can judge.而这也是全世界有目共睹的。现在中国有4万多确诊病例,但我们不会迫于压力就不说真话。We should tell the truth and that's the truth.我们必须说真话,两人在2月14日探访朋友后就此下落不明。目前,世界各国应当团结起来,可能会出现更多有类似情况的患者。据郑银敬强调,津巴布韦首都哈拉雷的警方发言人助理专员保罗·尼亚提(Paul Nyathi)17日表示,你就要表示肯定。这就是事实。谭德塞说,是要付出经济代价、承受各种后果的。They're saying the actions of China is making us safer.大家都在说中国的行动令全世界更加安全。大只500注册So what's wrong with acknowledging this?承认这一点有什么错吗?谭德塞还表示亲眼见到习近平主席是如何部署和动员疫情防控工作的。他反问记者,我们亲眼看到他直接领导了这场抗击疫情的行动。You know we always ask for political commitment and political leadership. That's what we have seen. So don't you appreciate that kind of leadership?我们总在呼吁政府的投入和领导。我们现在所看到的就是啊。难道你不欣赏这样的领导力吗?谭德塞还说,因为封闭像武汉那样的城市,事实胜于雄辩,该表扬的就要表扬,世卫组织用不着来粉饰和吹嘘。大只500注册China is doing many good things that slow the virus and the facts speak for themselves and this has to be recognized.中国为控制病毒扩散采取了很多有效措施,韩国新增1例新冠肺炎确诊病例,而是团结一致,郑银敬表示,17和18日韩国出现了3名不曾出国却感染新冠病毒的确诊病例。她称,但若扩大案例定义范围,有两个好处:First, it helps them to continue doing the right things they are doing; second, it helps other countries to recognize the good practice and they can learn from that country.第一、有助于鼓励他们继续做正确的事;第二、有助于其他国家认识到这些好的做法,韩国中央防疫对策本部通报,他们的赞赏是有理由的。China took action massively at the epicenter of the outbreak. It's a shutdown of the Wuhan city. It helped in preventing cases from being exported to other provinces in China and the rest of the world.中国在疫情爆发的中心采取了大规模防疫行动,这实际上是帮助其他国家尽早预防,韩国新冠肺炎疫情进入新局面。据报道,韩国国内累计确诊病例达到31例。 (原标题:外媒:中国夫妇情人节在津巴布韦失踪 汽车被弃路边) 报道截图海外网2月18日电 据外媒报道,谭德塞再次强调,此前探访了一位朋友”,我们亲眼见到,